Attach curriculum planning materials to categories in your unit planner, and include web links to outside resources.
Attach Materials to a Unit Category
1. Click Add an Attachment for the select category.
2. Select the type of attachment.
- Use Website Link to link to supporting articles, websites, images, videos, web quests accessible online, or Google Drive Folders.
- Use File Attachment to upload almost any file type, including Word, PDF, PowerPoint, and SmartBoard files from your device. Users can View attachments type PDF and MS Word documents with no need to download them locally.
- Use the Lesson Attachment to upload detailed classroom lesson plans used in the unit from your device.
- Use Google Drive to link your Google Drive and Team Drive files, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Form, etc. For more details, click here.
- Use OneDrive to link to your files stored in OneDrive. For more details, click here.
We recommend files size smaller than 100 MB and images smaller than 1024 x 768 for optimal uploading. The contents of many files may be searched when you click the magnifying glass in the Search bar once they are uploaded to your unit.
A COPY of your file is saved to your Unit. To make changes to the contents of the file, open your file from its original location, make your changes and replace the copy saved to your Unit.
Add Materials to an Assessment
In addition to attaching a link to the Assessment category in your planner, you can also attach links directly to a specific Assessment.
For an Existing AssessmentClick Edit to attach a file. Then, follow above steps 2-4 from attaching materials to a unit template category.
Click Add New Assessment and click Add an Attachment from the pop-up window. Then, follow above steps from attaching materials to a unit template category.
Delete or Edit Links and Attachments
- Drag and drop to arrange the order in which your attachments will appear in your unit map.
- Click the bin icon to remove the file.
Click the pencil icon to change the link attributes:
- Add or edit the link Description.
- Change the file type by clicking File, Image, or Lesson Plan.
- If applicable, check Public if you wish to make your file visible in your Atlas Public Site.
Lock or Hide Attachments
This is a system wide feature that can be enabled in your Atlas system. Access to materials attached in units may be optionally restricted to a list of specified users.
- Protected files are invisible to non-owners.
- Owners can add co-owners to access the protected files.
- Protected files are searchable only by owners and co-owners.
To enable the feature in your Atlas, contact us at
To add Protected Files:
1. Click Add an Attachment for the selected category.
2. Click Protected File link to start attaching your protected files.
3. Locate your file and attach it.
4. To add co-owners to your protected file:
- Click Edit next to the protected file you just attached. .
- In the Protected field, include the name(s) of those you wish to provide viewing access, co-owners.
- Click Save.
To lock or hide existing files:
- Click Edit next to the attachment you wish to lock/hide.
- Check off Protected box.
- Optional: In the Protected field, include the name(s) of those you wish to provide viewing access, co-owners.
- Click Save.
By default, as an owner, you may view and access the attachment. No need to add your name in the Protected field.
Attach Google Drive and Team Drive files
1. Click Add an Attachment of the select category.
2. Click the Google Drive link to start attaching your files.
3. Locate the file(s) on your drive or click the Team Drive tab. You could select multiple files to upload at once.
- Drag and drop the slide icon to arrange the order in which your attachments will appear in your unit map.
- Click Delete to remove the file.
Atlas inherits permissions to access and edit settings from Google Interface, those settings can be managed in Google.
Google attachments can be searchable in Atlas ONLY IF their Google permission is set to “Anyone with the link can view” PRIOR to being attached. Otherwise, Atlas does not have permission to view your files. If you changed file permission in Google and would like your file to be searchable in Search Curriculum, then re-attach the file into Atlas.
Attach OneDrive files
1. Click Add an Attachment of the select category.
2. Click the OneDrive link to start attaching your files.
3. Locate the file(s) on your OneDrive. You could select multiple files to upload at once.
- While OneDrive picker is opened, you could navigate away to your PC, drag and drop files into the OneDrive picker, then attach them to Atlas.
Atlas inherits permissions to access and edit settings from OneDrive, those settings can be managed in OneDrive account.
OneDrive attachments can be searchable in Atlas ONLY IF their OneDrive permission is set to “Public” PRIOR to being attached. Otherwise, Atlas does not have permission to view your files. If you changed file permission in OneDrive and would like your file to be searchable in Search Curriculum, then re-attach the file into Atlas.
If you would like OneDrive Integration to be enabled in your Atlas site, contact us!
Publish or Hide Individual Attachments in Public Courses
This is managed by Curriculum Developer themselves, not System Administrators. Curriculum Developer will only see this option if both the Course and Unit Template Category containing the attachment is shared on the Public Site.
From Develop > Unit Planner
1. Click the pencil icon next to any attachment you wish to add or remove from the public course.
2. Check off the Display on Public Site checkbox to make the attachment visible on your public course. Or, remove the check to hide it.
The Preview Attachments feature has a size limit: MS Word and PowerPoint documents must be less than 10 MB; MS Excel must be less than 5 MB. All attachments exceeding the size limit will be downloaded without a preview.