An excellent guide on what to do if you have a case of missing data from a unit, or a missing unit, or if a whole course disappeared.
Missing Units
The first step in searching for missing units is to check the course’s Recycle Bin. Only Curriculum Developers assigned to that course and Admins with special editing privileges can access the course’s Recycle Bin.
In the course’s Unit Calendar, make sure you switch to ON mode. Then click the Recycle Bin button. You have the option to Restore the deleted units inside the Recycle Bin.
If you can’t find the missing units, consider last year’s archived copy of this course, if available. You can access the archived copy of your curriculum by doing the following:
- Click the All Curriculum > All Courses tab in Atlas, then select last year’s archive in the Current Year filter.
- If you find the desired unit in the archived course, click the green arrow next to the unit’s title and select Copy Unit to copy it into the current year course.
If you’re still unable to locate the missing unit(s), contact us.
Missing Courses
System admins should be able to restore any deleted courses by doing the following:
- Click Manage Courses in the Admin drop-down menu.
- Click the Recycle Bin button. You have the option to Restore the deleted courses if found.
- If the courses were deleted last year, make sure to select the previous year in the Current Year filter, then click the Browse button.
If you can’t find the missing course, consider last year’s archived copy of your curriculum, if available, and copy it into the current year curriculum. You can access the archived copy of your curriculum by doing the following:
- Click the All Curriculum > All Courses tab in Atlas, then select last year’s archive in the Current Year filter.
If you’re still unable to locate the missing course(s), contact us.
Missing Data
Users and admins can search for missing data from units by doing the following:
- In the Unit Planner view, click the Actions menu and select View Activity.
- The pop-up menu will show all the activities in that unit since it was created.
- Click the gray arrow to the right, if available, to view further details.
- Updates to the unit are color-coded: GREEN for newly added data; RED for deleted data.
- Highlight the deleted information, copy it, then paste it back into the unit planner.
Retrieving deleted attachments is not possible on your end. Contact us, and we're happy to explore the possible retrieving options with you.