If you don't have an Atlas Public Site, contact your Atlas Account Manager or Atlas Support team for more information on building an Atlas Public Site to share with parents, board members, or community.
From Admin > Admin Dashboard > Manage Public Site Settings:
#General Settings
Enable Password
Adding a password allows you to limit public site access to only those who know the password. This is commonly used for public sites that are under construction or only intended for use by a review committee.
From Admin > Admin Dashboard > Manage Public Site Settings > General Settings box:
- Click Enable password.
- Type in the Public Site password, minimum 8 characters. Click Add Password.
- Optional: type in a custom message to show up on the login screen, maximum 300 characters. Click Save Message.
To disable the public site's password, remove the check from the Enable password box.
Display the Public Site URL in Communities [Recommended]
This highly recommended setting allows logged in users to easily access the public site.
Add the public site to the sample public site list
Including your public site in the Communities section of Atlas provides a helpful example for other teachers and administrators. Make sure to explore the public sites listed!
#Unit Calendars and Course Plan
Show Course Plan
This view gives access to the Course Plan view and the course analytics.
- Select the "Show all data in each category by default" checkbox to present all the data in the box rather than limiting it to a 160px box.
- Select the "HIDE all timeframes (This will disable Unit Calendars on Public Site.)" checkbox to conceal the timeline and units teaching periods. This selection will deactivate the Unit Calendar by Year and Unit Calendar by Month views.
Show Unit Calendar by Year [Recommended]
This popular view gives easy access to the Unit Calendar by Year view of the course with quick access to the units.
Show Unit Calendar by Month
This view will give a closer look at the monthly pacing with easy access to units.
Show Map Description above Unit Calendars and Course Plan [Recommended]
Show the Course Description, but keep it collapsed by default.
Keep Map Description expanded by default
Show the Course Description, and start with it expanded for additional visibility.
Unit Plan
Show Unit Planner [Recommended]
Share whichever categories in the unit planner will be most relevant to public site viewers. Enabling this setting does not automatically show your unit planner, you will still need to select what you want to share. To do so, follow these steps:
1) Design the public site unit template in Manage Unit Templates. Contact Atlas Support team to start the Public Site template, if not available.
2) Enable categories on the public site in Unit Template Categories.
Need help? Email us!
Check off the Publish Courses to Public Site to determine which courses are public.
#Curriculum Attachments
Curriculum attachments are only available for template categories that have been made public.
Never show attachments in the Public Site [Recommended]
- This will hide all attachments (previously attached, and future attachments).
- Teachers will not have an option to make attachments public.
Links that have been included in the free text boxes will still be visible.
Show attachments marked as Public, but new attachments are HIDDEN by default
- All new attachments will be hidden by default.
- Previously attached attachments will not be affected and will remain private or public based on the teachers’ previous setting.
- Teachers will have the option to make attachments public or not public. Click here to learn more about publishing individual attachments.
Show attachments marked as Public, and new attachments are PUBLIC by default
- All new attachments will be public by default.
- Previously attached attachments will not be affected and will remain private or public based on the teachers’ previous setting.
- Teachers will have the option to make attachments public or not public. Click here to learn more about publishing individual attachments.
#Teacher Information
Hide teacher names [Recommended]
Curriculum Developers and Teachers' names will be hidden.
#Additional Pages
This option would allow public site visitors to do a keyword search for content within the curriculum, such as searching for the word “Recycling” or “Empathy” to find any units that contain those keywords.
All Curriculum: Course Descriptions
This feature enables visitors to the public site to access the list of course descriptions on the All Curriculum > All Courses page.
All Curriculum: Adopted Standards
This option will allow public site visitors to see all of the standards that are available in your Atlas site. They will not see alignment information (how many have been aligned to, how frequently, etc.) but they will be able to read through the standards.
All Curriculum: References
The References page is customizable by the System Administrator. Sharing this tab will allow you to make resources you flagged as public available to any Public Site visitor. Click here to learn more about publishing resources.