The Atlas Exemplar Sites were created in response to requests from educators to share best practices in curriculum and instruction across schools and Atlas systems. As all educators are peers, the Exemplar Teachers are a worldwide foundational outlet for collaboration on how to best educate students. This growing online learning community provides opportunities for professional development and networking. Exemplars are Curriculum Developers-generated collections of units and resources related to specific disciplines, pedagogies, and/or methodologies. Exemplar sites provide participants the ability to browse and submit quality units of instruction, access forums to pose questions and join discussions and view relevant curricular resources and tools.
You may access the Exemplar sites from a number of areas within your Atlas system:
- From Communities, click the Exemplars tab.
- Or, by submitting one of your exemplary units of instruction by clicking Submit to Exemplars in the Actions menu from your Unit Planner view in My Atlas > My Courses.
1. Read and agree to the Exemplar Rules and Conditions. Check the Exemplar Rules and Conditions box.
2. Select a Discipline or a Subject of interest from the drop-down menu, then click Start Preview.
You are granted five preview visits to the Exemplar sites. On your sixth visit, you will be prompted to submit a unit to obtain unlimited access to the sites. We ask that you respect the intellectual property and the hard work of contributors by citing the author of the curriculum.
1. You may submit one of your exemplary units in one of two ways:
a. Click Submit to Exemplars from your unit Planner in My Atlas > My Courses
b. From Communities > Exemplars:
1. Select the subject area and click Begin Exploring.
2. In the welcome page, click the Units button in the Submit box.
3. Select a unit then click the Submit button next to it.
2. Optional: select a Discipline, Instruction & Pedagogy, and Academic Program.
- Add other tags by typing in the text box and clicking Add Tag.
- Remove a criterion by clicking Delete.
3. Click Submit This Unit when you're ready.
We encourage you to submit your best work. However, as all curriculum is a work in progress, you may modify and update your unit at any time, but you need to resubmit the unit if you want the updates published to Exemplars. Click here for re-submission instructions.
Search Exemplars by KeywordFrom Exemplars > Explore:
1. Use the filters on the left to narrow your list of results.
Click Save Search to be notified when new units matching your search criteria are submitted.
2. Click on an underlined unit title to view the curriculum.
Tags are descriptive keywords or phrases that allow units and references to be easily identified when exploring the Exemplars. You may tag all of your submissions for the search capability. Tags you have created will display as checkboxes and clicking on tags will search that keyword.
- Add units to Favorites I've Flagged on the Exemplar toolbar by clicking Add To Favorites.
- Hide a unit from search results by clicking the Hide unit.
- Print a unit for future reference by clicking Print.
Please respect the hard work of your peers and email the author by selecting their name(s) if you would like to use ideas associated with their units. Have fun, and please check back often as new units are constantly being added.
Resubmit Updated Units to the ExemplarUpdates to any unit you submitted to the Exemplars are not automatically published. You can resubmit a unit by doing one of the followings:
1. From the unit planner view, click the Actions menu and select Resubmit To Exemplar.
2. Or, from Communities > Exemplars, select the subject area and click Begin Exploring. In the welcome page, click the Units button in the Submit box. Then you will find your unit with the option to Resubmit.
The References tab in the Exemplars allows you to submit helpful resources, websites, lesson plans, and rubrics. Sort references by:
- Date Added/Modified
- Average Rating
- My Rating
- Relevance
- Reference Title
The Power Search allows you to search references by:
- Resource Type
- grade
- Disciplines
- Click How Do I? to view the Exemplar manual and find help navigating the Exemplar sites.
- Click FAQs to access a list of frequently asked questions within Exemplars.